Monday, February 9, 2009


"being happy while experiencing design"
"Being happy designing"
"The visualization of happiness"
"Three designs that made me happy"
-New Subway instructions (have fun, do not hurt people, do not accecp defeat, strive to be happy, do not hold grudges) [sometimes you can stare at something for a very long time before you realize it's actually not what you think it says]
-Building with retractable roof (it makes you look at the colors of the sky and really pay attention to somethin you might not have noticed before)
-empty speech bubbles
Thinking about ideas and content freely-with the deadline far away
working without interruption on a single project
using a wide variety of tools and techniques
traveling to new places
working on projects that matter to me
having things come back from the printer done well
"Everything I do always comes back to me"
"Worrying solves nothing"
"having guts always works out for me"

The things that he discussed are the the problems that people don't take the time to think about in everyday life.

Journal 3

Trollback created a great image for CBS. Although the recognizable symbol of the "eye" had already been created, the new campaign is captivating much larger audiences. The symbol of the eye is very simplistic but is bold and original. After viewing clips of how the text is laid out in addition to the symbol, it is clear why this network is so successful. The versitiliy of the logo is beyond many other networks, this symbol serves as an icon, a trademark, the period to the end of sentences and as a main logo.