Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Graphic Design Reading #1

When I first started reading this I thought to myself...UGH this is going to be so long! But once I actually read the first page I was totally captured. What is semiotics? It's the theory of signs, putting something into a context Ex: Sneeze_Cold
"The window of the soul is the mouth" -Everyone always thinks it's the eyes but it really depends what you're looking for!

1.answer who what why?
2.Identify, don't explain
3.Understand Limitations
4.Be seductive
5.make mnemonic value
6.pose a question
7.Design for longevity
8.make the logo the foundation of a system
9.design for a variety of media
10. Be strong
(I loved these rules and I thought that when my spirits were down in the future I can refer to these points)

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